Magazine Article Writing

Get professionally-written articles with pithy titles, customized content and cutting-edge formatting that makes your message stand out from the crowd.

Why Do  I Need This?

Are you cancer survivor being urged by friends to share your challenges, pain and triumph on Reader’s Digest? Or a career woman worrying aloud about how expensive daycare is in the US? Maybe you are even high school student wanting to share your rainforest adventures both foreseen and unexpected during your months in Costa Rica?

As you well know, writing a magazine article is no easy task. Its title must be catchy, even provocative. The article’s first and final few lines must entice a skimming editor overwhelmed with numerous such articles every day to choose it for publication over others. It must have well-organized content to attract readers including skim readers to dwell more on your article. We at SparkinWords are proud of helping people with interesting life experiences such as yours get published.

Our writers and editors will reword your sentences without losing content or originality, inserting the Oxford comma where required and the changing “they’re” to “their” where necessary. The raw article you give us will be hacked into paragraphs with catchy subtitles where necessary that are actually keywords to attract the maximum number of googlers. Every magazine has a different submission requirement and articles are rejected not because of uninteresting content but because of procedural lapses.

Allows us to replace your Calibri font to the Times New Roman required by your target magazine and set your text beside prescribed page margins. Allow us also to insert page numbers and weave links to similar articles you may have authored in your text. We promise that the product we deliver will get past your editor with the minimum of edits saving you valuable time and effort. You can proudly show your published article to friends and family and that uncle of yours will not find a single mistake to nitpick.

Feeling Excited?

So are we! Go ahead, and click on the button below to discuss your requirements with our experts and get a free customized quotation for your projects.

What Are Our Customers Saying

Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!

Ruchi always does outstanding work and delivers it quality. it’s a pleasure to work with her.

Adam S

It was great working with ruchi. She understood our requirements and has the work delivered perfectly.

Akheel A

Super impressed. I have finally found a script writer to work on my various channels. Many thanks.

Walter R