Novels And Short Stories

Allow us the privilege of putting words to your thoughts with high-quality novels and stories that readers find unputdownable.

Why Do  I Need This?

It happens very often that someone has a great idea for a book that can be a hit but does not have either the time or the skill to write the whole thing. That´s when the writer comes in to turn the idea into a reality.

To write a book is, by no means, a simple task. It requires discipline, time, skill and some experience to follow the exact thread of the plot and not to miss out on the hooks. Good writers can write a book, but great ones can take it to the next level and generate the momentum for the reader in which they just can´t stop reading.

The DIY approach is a great one and a non-experienced writer can come up with a brilliant idea and a good draft, but not a stellar one.

Remember that once it hits the bookshop it shall be sitting next to all best-sellers known to mankind.

Let us pretend, for a minute, that you go solo on the book project for an awesome idea you just have in your mind and the book does not work out the way you wanted to. You wasted time, resources and, most importantly, the idea cannot be recycled, it is ruined for good. You are left with no idea and a book that doesn´t perform, that is not even back to starters, it is beyond that, it is back to less than zero.

But what if you hire a professional writer who has experience and can devote the working hours to developing your idea into a great book? That is exactly what SparkInWords can do for you!

We can blossom your idea into a perfect story that will haunt readers all across the globe.

Add to our talented, hand-picked writers, a team of editors and, if the idea is awesome, the book will surely be a best-seller.

Feeling Excited?

So are we! Go ahead, and click on the button below to discuss your requirements with our experts and get a free customized quotation for your projects.

What Are Our Customers Saying

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Ruchi always does outstanding work and delivers it quality. it’s a pleasure to work with her.

Adam S

It was great working with ruchi. She understood our requirements and has the work delivered perfectly.

Akheel A

Super impressed. I have finally found a script writer to work on my various channels. Many thanks.

Walter R