Article Writing

Get professionally-written articles with pithy titles, customized content and cutting-edge formatting that makes your message stand out from the crowd.

Why Do  I Need This?

Are you maximizing the return you can get from using written articles to bring in new business? Many businesses are recognizing the importance of using web content to build their customer base. Approximately 62% of organizations choose to outsource article writing for their sites and are reaping the benefits.

Article writing used to mean, “Composing an unbiased piece on a specific subject that would end up published in a newspaper or magazine.” Then the internet came along. Printed materials are becoming rarer as the content moves to the web where information sharing is rapid. Initially, web writing started with blogs, which were more personal to the writer, more casual, and would often be opinionated.

The line between blog and article writing has started to become muddy. What people are prepared to read in an electronic format, and things like SEO rankings, have made businesses rethink how to compose their article content and form.

An  Overview

Business profiles and reputations are depending more and more on how they present themselves online.

Posting new information on a frequent basis gets more customer views, increases customer engagement and loyalty, maximizes a company’s web presence and can lead to more direct sales and leads.

There are many ways you can choose to advertise your business, but take a look at these statistics:

  • Web conversion rates are 6X higher for companies that adopt content marketing strategies
  • Content marketing costs about 60% less than other traditional approaches
  • Content marketing brings in 3X more leads per dollar spent than paid search ads
  • 78% of consumers prefer getting to know a company through articles rather than ads

Using articles on websites feels more personalized to the consumer and as though they have a relationship with the company. It’s also a cost-effective approach to reaching and engaging new customers. It isn’t just the articles that are helping customers pledge loyalty to a brand or company. In fact, 82% of consumers say they feel more positive about companies that post custom content.

Updating content daily on a website can increase your traffic, but then there are the newsletters, the blogs and other social media sites that also require regular attention. Keeping your content relevant on all of these platforms on a daily basis is hard to keep up with and quite exhausting.

That’s why over 60% of companies outsource this work. Trying to come up with new material all the time that is relevant and will get customers to stay on your page a little longer takes a lot of time and effort.

Feeling Excited?

So are we! Go ahead, and click on the button below to discuss your requirements with our experts and get a free customized quotation for your projects.

What Are Our Customers Saying

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Ruchi always does outstanding work and delivers it quality. it’s a pleasure to work with her.

Adam S

It was great working with ruchi. She understood our requirements and has the work delivered perfectly.

Akheel A

Super impressed. I have finally found a script writer to work on my various channels. Many thanks.

Walter R